In April of 2024, Floco Torres was selected as one of Cleveland Public Theater’s (CPT) ‘Kulas Foundation Fellows.’

Commission Fellowship: for composers/songwriters to create a single piece of music, fully recorded and produced for free use by CPT. CPT uses these recordings for many purposes but especially for scoring of video content. Commission songs should be upbeat and useable for a variety of purposes. Commissioned artists receive an all-inclusive stipend and deliver the recorded track as a wave or MP3 file.

“PANDEMONIUM” was written & produced by Floco Torres, & the song was inspired by CPT’s annual fundraiser of the same name, as well as the the eclectic artistic presentation of the event. “PANDEMONIUM” will also serve as CPT’s theme song for promotional purposes during their upcoming 2024-25 season.

inCOPnegro: Aftermath

This is a dance theater performance about policing, safety, community, and healing. It features a cast of four black men: two dancers, a hip hop musician, and a saxophonist — the show combines narrative, dance, live music, and rap. Dominic Moore-Dunson, an Akron-based choreographer, is the creator of the project and the cast worked collaboratively to create the performance. Aftermath explores the questions, “what happens to a black community after police violence has happened? Once the news outlets leave, the viral videos aren't shared anymore, how does a community begin the process of healing? The first run of shows was the end of June of 2023.

inCOPnegro rehearsal photos by Blaak Media

inCOPnegro: Aftermath, The Questioner Files

inCOPnegro: Aftermath is a dance theater performance about policing, safety, community, and healing. The project explores the questions, “what happens to a black community after police violence has happened? Once the news outlets leave, the viral videos aren't shared anymore, how does a community begin the process of healing?

As a part of a four person cast that premiered the show in Akron OH back in June (22nd, 23rd, 30th, July 1st). Floco’s character in the show is called "The Questioner." The songs on this project are what I created for the show, & they serve as the soundtrack for a character working through the nuance of being a hero or a villain throughout the story.

released July 25, 2023

Lyrics: Floco Torres
Production: Floco Torres, Chris Coles
Composers: Floco Torres, Chris Coles
Engineering: Akron Recordning Company
Artwork: Floco Torres

inCOPnegro: The Black & Blue Soundtrack

iinCOPnegro: Black & Blue, with host Dominic Moore-Dunson, is a 19 episode podcast that explores the concept of safety and the relationship between Black America and American Law enforcement.

The podcast features snippets of a soundtrack created by Floco Torres, to enhance dynamic emotions & stories displayed throughout conversations with current & former law officers, community leaders, & black community members.

Music from the inCOPnegro Podcast created by Dominic Moore-Dunson. Listen here or wherver you get your Podcasts:

released May 24, 2022

PrOduction: Floco Torres
ArtwOrk: Floco Torres
Engineering: Akron Recording Company

Three Countries, One Mother

With musical contributions from Floco Torres and Dohee Lee

Using storytelling, poetry, movement, and song, Three Countries, One Mother examines the history and culture of the Bhutanese-Nepali-American people who were displaced from their homeland as part of the Bhutanese Refugee Crisis in the 1990s and early 2000s. This play is inspired by the true story of Bal’s family– members of the Tamang tribe, an ethnic group in the Bhutanese-Nepali community. The Tamang tribe speak their own Tibeto-Burman language and have a diverse spectrum of influences on spirituality--including Buddhism and indigenous shamanism.

Spanning generations and countries, this deeply personal narrative weaves together family stories and ritual to explore the impact of cultural legacy on an individual. The audience is invited to journey with Neema through his cultural inheritance as part of a quest to better understand himself. 

GOLO is a collection of songs created for Gum-dip Theatre's "Three Countries, One Mother" production that premiered in July 0f 2022. "Three Countries, One Mother" examines the history and culture of the Bhutanese-Nepali-American people who were displaced from their homeland as part of the Bhutanese Refugee Crisis in the 1990s and early 2000s.

This collection of songs was inspired by the script, speaking with the actor Neema Bal & director Katie Beck, as well as research on the Nepali community & the TAMANG tribe.

released October 4, 2022

Lyrics: Floco Torres
Production: Floco Torres
Additional vocals: Neema Bal & his father
Engineering: Akron Recording Company
Artwork: Floco Torres