On Friday, June 21st, we presented a work in progress performance of my upcoming album “This Creative Life” in the parking lot of Dirty River Bicycle Works in downtown Akron. We had a great beautiful crowd on a warm day. We had a Lego station for people to create & have fun while the songs were played/performed. It was the best way to embrace the imperfect & be in the moment. Thank you to the bike shop for hosting this & thank you to Fej for running amazing sound for the evening.

Check back here for more updates on the process as we go back in to put the finishing touches on this body of work. It will be yours in October. - FT

If you would like to donate to help Floco Torres complete the new album “This Creative Life,” click here or scan you can scan the QR Code below.

released February 29, 2024
Lyrics: Floco Torres
Production: Floco Torres
Additional Vocals: Josy Jones
Engineering: Akron Recording Company
Artwork: Floco Torres